Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Love vow

Last Night I was going through 'N' number of profiles posted on a matrimonial site ,while casually browsing the internet.Most of profile reflect that they are looking for true love from partner .Can we find real love on internet ? I believe the reason is that we do not know what love is, which means we can’t identify it when we see it! We are looking for the dramatic, life altering, breath holding love we read about and see in movies. That isn’t is just good acting and we paid well to see it! We can’t find love on internet because we aren’t 100 % honest while online. If we are honest with ourselves and others we will all be in a better position when it comes to love. I think we should make a personal vow to not try to find love online until we are sure of what we want and not until then. We will save yourself and other singles a lot of time! Think about can one get to an unfamiliar “place” without a map or without someone giving directions? Most of us go online looking for love but we are wearing a blind fold and earplugs. So, with that being said, how are we going to find love? We can start by removing the blind fold, the earplugs and listing what we want. Let be honest, and right it down. We can always go back and change it. Make list and use it like a shopping list. Let it help us find what us know we want and need. We will only be able to find love online if we are brutally honest with ourselves about what we are looking for and what we ideally want!


Anonymous said...

what is love to you n how do you propose to find it ?

Sandeep Majumdar said...

Hello Anonymoys,
Love is abstract.Different people will have different perspective.My perception is- Be what you are and be honest with yourself.Dont project yourself to be different to woo someone.Its perfect to implement changes to woo your desired partner but not to project yourself as different person which you are not.Some or other day hype will crash!!!

Anonymous said...

..... :)