Monday, April 03, 2006

Transform your self to Aweaken Generation

No country is bad or good. Its people who make a country. In spite of having good manpower and resources our country is lacking basic amenities.Bassed on some practical aspects of todays life I am describing the theory of M- Transform. I believe and have confidence that if all of us govern ourselves with 4 attitude, we will do better than US. The economy will boom and even possible to make RS the most powerful currency Science start with laws. Every invention is governed by law. all science students obey this law, and the result is new inventions. The same way people should governed by some rules. And rules which can make life better, prosperous should be strictly implemented. We need to work aggressively. (A)All should obey the 4 laws of a citizen Country First . Individualism second Family Third Rituals and society fourth (B)But the present scenario in India is Society first Family second Individualism third Country Fourth The transformation of attitude form category B to category A is Me-transform. Once M-transform is achieved 90% of work is done for to make a developed country but motivating and transforming every individual is a long and tedious process. So let’s proceed with another way. I am presenting a simple theory. An advanced version of so called divide and rule policy (this is the same policy which once was applied to divide the country into states.. Chattisgarh and Jharkhand are recent examples. Dividing the country into India and Pakistan) But now lets experiment it in different way. As India is a democratic country so I feel people can relocate to any part of the country without any restrictions. Let’s make certain assumptions The present country will be divided into 2 parts part one X 'Rang De Basanti' part 2 Y 'CholaKingdom' The government of Rang De Basanti will be consisting of politicians, who are good at management, Economics, tech savvy guys. The citizens of this part are those who already are M-Transformed The selection procedure for electing the government will be consisting 2 rounds Round a) Consisting of questions created by finest analysts, managers, philosophers. These questions will be distributed among the general public.One fine day all the party leaders will sit in a conference hall with the judges, The questions will be thrown before them and the entire public can see their leaders playing a reality game ‘Indian Idol’. Better will be Rang de Basanti Idol In the pilot phase the vots will be online vote ..Each Indian will be assigned a social security number having their userid and pwd to login to the system and cast a vote. The system is an intelligent system so no users can cast more than one vote. The information will be stored in database which will be replicated in different data centers..Located in different geographical locations that in case one data center is damaged..Same information can be retrieved from other data center. Result: There will be a efficient government. Economy will increase. Foreign Direct Investment will be more Now lets go to other part of our country..Chola Kingdom People who are not ready for M-Transform can stay in Chola Kingdom.Chola Kingdom is our present India,so you can imagine better than the other part. All citizens who can M-transform themselves are invited to stay in Rang De Basanti Other citizens who dont want to M-transform them selves will stay in their home land CholaKingdom. Beside this to make our Rang De Basanti better tourist from Chola Kingdom are allowed to visit on a pass just like a Visa. These people so called tourists are allowed to travel around the Rang De Basanti . A vision after 3 years down the line... The RangDeBasanti people will stand next to developed country. Whose currency will be among the most powerful currency equivalent to US$. The CholaKingdom will be our present India, with all great all time flavors. Racism, communal riots, corruptions, In total undeveloped nation Slowly and slowly people will migrate to Rang De Basanti who will realize that they can change the present hereditary rule and accept the new rule.There is open invitation to people of Chola Kingdom who can M-transformed themselves and Get entry to Rang De Basanti land. Concluding Remarks: The main purpose of writing this article is to raise a message among all the citizen of my nation that Our country needs good managers instead of best politicians.90% of politicians don’t have proper managerial skills. All political party members should be MBAs loaded with more than 10 years of management experience. Health Minister should be a learnt doctor instead of an actor. The Election procedure should change. Selection of leaders who drive the country and other members of party should be selected by interviews in front of General Public., say in a conference hall with full AV conferencing. People from all over the world can ask questions to him, the one who gives maximum no of correct answers should proceed with other rounds of selection. I have use a concept the so called Me- Transform to justify my words that there is a possibility to achive a developed nation…. only if we work aggressively…towards transforming us. Indians should be made aware that English is a cosmopolitan language..not a language of British. In similar way we should have a cosmopolitan out look instead of religion based taughts.70% of precious time of Indians is wasted in Thinking & fighting over religion, caste and creed. We have revamp the policies. In starting days of transforming Your self it will be difficult .as we are controlled by mind. But believe me slowly and steadily it will be an habit

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