Monday, April 20, 2009

Why a management program is essential for Entrepreneurs:A breif SOP

Entrepreneurship is a new religion; some are blind followers, while some have the steam to write the rules of this faith. Entrepreneurship involves many things. Innovative ideas do not always suffice to build the base of a venture. The right idea may become the influence, the inspiration for setting up a business, but its implementation requires many different efforts. Resourcefulness in terms of man power, brain power, financial power, and a proper business plan which could actually work to yield profits are indispensable. For this, one requires to walk that extra mile. One has to know how to manage resources, both material and human. It starts with idea generation, plan of execution, integration of essential elements, and finally implementation. You have an idea, and you want to make it big. First, you need to convert your idea into a product, and then you need to know about all the fundamental methods of marketing my product, and finally about making my product reach global market. You would need to know how to work, and make others work, through team building, towards a common goal; to make your dream, their dream. For achieving this, you need to inculcate all the soft skills a management program has the potential to provide you with. You have the passion in you, which you wish to harness with the managerial skills and marketing concepts. You wish to learn the skills yourself, because it is only you who understands your product the best. So together with the skill set you will learn through a management program you could able to project your product better than anybody else. You should have a heart of an entrepreneur, and brains of an innovator. You would like to join a management program to give yourself the opportunity to know the pedagogic principles that hold the basis of entrepreneurship and their different forms of application in the real world, and to interact with like minded future entrepreneurs. A management program would provide you the opportunity to get the exposure to the business worlds and international markets.